Thursday, July 31, 2014


First I made this:

Then I see this:

I don't know what to think... "Save the best for last!"? Or "at least she eats green veggies!"?

Monday, July 28, 2014


Remember that time last week I warned myself in a daily Instagram #leahfrancine picture that I need to leave the pantry door closed while cooking dinner?

Yeah, well, tonight this happened...

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Why yes, that is Leah digging in her bib for more food. Hungry girl!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Nine is Fine

Yes, Leah's big 9 month birthday was just about two weeks ago, but her doctor's appointment wasn't until today and I of course wanted to wait so I could post her 9 (and a half) month stats!

This girl is 28 inches (59th percentile) and 18 lbs 12 oz (45th percentile).  When her percentiles started in the 80s, I thought I was going to have an amazon daughter, but she's pretty average in height and weight.  And pretty far above average in awesomeness and cuteness!

In big news this month, Leah learned to clap!

We also had a lot of visitors, all to see Leah of course.

Leah and Zach

Leah and Adam

Leah, Kana, and Johnny

Gosh, I know I say it all the time, but I just can't believe Leah is mine.  I love everything about her and I love her more every single day.

Leah and Mommy

Leah and Mommy

Leah and Daddy

Movin' On Up

And, well, movin' all over!

Leah started crawling on Friday and hasn't stopped since.

This week they started transitioning her to the next classroom at school so she can join the other crawlers in the Angels room!

Friday, July 18, 2014

40 Weeks

A lot of things change in 40 weeks...

40 weeks ago:


40 weeks ago:


40 in, 40 out. Loving every minute!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


We have teeth! Can you see them?

Tooth #1 is on your right, Leah's left. #4 is on her right. She also has two teeth up top, fang-style :~[  Too bad Halloween isn't for another few months. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Leah is Facebook famous again!

Also, check this out:

One Year Later

Today is my Las Vegas anniversary. One year later I...

Have a new job with the most flexible schedule

Have the most awesome kid in the world

Have amazing new friends

Have a new house with so many fun projects and so much potential

Have a dog on Prozac who doesn't eat my stuff

Have a new couch with a comfy cuddler that fits all of us at the same time

Still have the best husband who works so so hard, but he does it for us. And sometimes he buys me flowers

And how fitting that my one year anniversary looked just like the way my life here started:

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Weekend After

The weekend after Brian's birthday was more fun than I could have hoped for, especially considering it was Plan C!! "C" for "cool!!"

On Friday, we took Leah to school and had an entire day TO OURSELVES. We actually went to a movie. We used to go to probably 20 movies a year and this is only our third (?) in almost nine months! We saw Edge Of Tomorrow. It was pretty good. 

Then we headed to the Linq on the Strip for bowling and lunch at Brooklyn Bowl. BB is a restaurant/bowling alley/concert venue that McCarthy built. It's a really cool place and Brian gave me some goos bowling tips. I more than doubled my score in our second game (and no, that's not saying much).

After a quick trip to Macys to make sure Brian got the watch he wanted for his birthday, we picked up Leah and headed to temple for Shabbat services and dinner. We haven't gone too often since Leah was born, so we are trying to at least make it once a month when services start early. 

Saturday morning we met some very old, dear friends on the strip and had a quick bite to eat. Then we headed to Mt Charleston for a little bit of camping! Finally, CAMPING! We've only been taking about doing this for six years and owned our unopened tent for three. 

We had The Best Time. Yes, we froze. Yes, we had to borrow matches from people camping down the way because ours had been in an unopened camping box for three years and didn't work.  Yes, we skipped s'mores because it was so cold and we couldn't have a real fire. Yes, we bailed on our morning hike because you could see our breath and we were just not prepared. But, we went! And we hiked and made hot dogs and played cards and slept under the stars and it was cold and amazing and wonderful and cold. Also, it was really cold. 

Breakfast at IHOP ended the Ten Days of Brian. They were ten special, amazing, wonderful days, but 1st Father's Day and 30th birthday only happen once. Next year, maybe we will just celebrate nine special days :~)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Star Student

Leah is the Star Student in her classroom this month! So proud!!

Almost five months in, I am really happy with the school. I even got one of the mom's numbers so we can hopefully arrange some play dates. Yea new friends! Leah only cries going in when I take my parent badge away from her, and always gives me a huge smile before I walk away. She eats well, sleeps well, and plays well there and I am impressed with most all of the teachers I've met. 

Best of all, they all love Leah. And they make cute art projects!