Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ten Months

So... This happened:


I LOVE all that Leah has learned and done this past month: standing, clapping, waving, finding her head, growing teeth. Phew, busy girl!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


One of my clients told me about a free gymnastics class for kids under two, and since I have been trying to find something fun to do with Leah on the weekends we decided to check it out. Fun and free, what could be better?!

Presley and Leanne joined us and I think the girls (mostly) had fun. Leah's been back once since and since we are in town for a while I think we will keep trying it. Hopefully Presley will join us again soon and maybe we will meet new friends too!

What's gymnastics class without a stamp?!

30... in 30

30 days until my 30th birthday.

Totally distracted from that fact by these faces: