Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Six Months

Sweet Baby Leah is six months old!  Actually, she was six months old about two weeks ago, but she just had her doctor's appointment, so I held off until I had her stats.

In the last month, Leah has hit some big milestones!  She went on her first flight (and did amazing), can efficiently roll over from tummy to back, and started on some solid food (baby style).

She talks more and more, but still mostly cooing, and doesn't cry very often.  She still sleeps through the night, but sometimes she falls asleep while eating her last meal and wakes up a bit early pretty hungry... we're working on that.  She can also hold her own bottle!

Stats: 16 pounds, 12 ounces (59th percentile) and 26.5 inches (70th percentile).  Her growth has slowed down, but she's still healthy, big, and strong.

My heart explodes with love for her.

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