Wednesday, October 9, 2013

40(!) Weeks

October 9th. October 9th. OCTOBER 9th. October 9th.  TODAY.

For eight months- ever since I took a positive pregnancy test in very early February- I have repeated this day over and over in my head, outloud, on calendars and lists and forms everywhere. And now it's now. 

Yesterday at my 40 week appointment, we scheduled an induction. Meds begin at 8:00pm tonight. But instead of spending today trying to comprehend everything that is going to happen starting tonight, I'm going to try to spend today remembering the last nine months.

How lucky I have been to have spent 40 weeks with my baby. Too many friends spend only 5, 6, 7 weeks with their babies and never meet them. Others carry their babies for 26, 34, 36 weeks and spend many more weeks waiting to start life together at home. Pregnancy certainly has had it's positives and negatives, but I know I am lucky. 

One of the scariest things about moving to Las Vegas was the timing. We moved at the start of my third trimester. I quickly choose a doctor, hospital because I had to. We have no family here, no friends. In the 13.5 weeks since, I believe being pregnant is what has made the move and meeting people so seamless. I have made multiple friends (yes, actual friends!), all of whom are pregnant. We are memorable when we go places; people want to talk to the tall redhead and his very pregnant wife. It's a conversation starter! All the Bubbes at our new synagogue are on edge waiting to make us casseroles and kugel whenever we want it. We've promised the staff there they are on our list of people to let know of news of the baby. 

I love feeling the baby move. I think that's what I'll miss most when the baby is here. I hate sleeping on my side. I know that's what I'll miss least when the baby is here. 

Johnny has changed so much in the past nine months. I'm not sure if it's attributable to me being pregnant, our move, or him simply growing up, but I honestly don't need an explanation... As long as it continues. He's becoming such  a sweet, sweet boy. I mean, we are actually friends (let's be real, he's my best friend 'round here). I can't wait to see him with the baby, and I will always remember how far the "kid" has come.

Me and My Bestie
Not sure when my next post will be. You may get random ones from the hospital, or it may be weeks. I'll be sure to share news and pictures in one way or another as soon as we have them.

Going to snuggle my puppy and watch the TODAY Show before I take the pup to be boarded and things change for good!

(Not even being 9 months pregnant will keep me out of my Kansas sweatpants!)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Dana! Can't wait to hear the news and see some pics!!
