Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Best Weekend

This past weekend was the best we've had in a long time, although it didn't start out that way.  No siree... it started out when I nicked Leah's thumb (the one she sucks, of course, because why wouldn't it be?) while cutting her nails Friday morning.  It. Was. Traumatizing!  Blood was everywhere for a long time, and blood doesn't bother me so much.  But when it comes from my baby because of ME, it becomes downright gut wrenching.  Next time, I'm sure I'll blow it off, no big deal.  This time, however, I cried with her.

Mama's Make-shift Bandaid
 Then, we met Daddy at temple for Tot Shabbat services.

Shabbat Shalom!
Saturday morning, we went on a nice family walk.  Leah was pretty relaxed (ok, asleep) in her big girl stroller.

Can I ride next time?
Post-walk Drinks
 Then we went to check out the almost-ours new house.  More on this in a later blog post!

Playing on the office floor
Then, the best part... Leah went swimming for the first time with her friend Henry.  She loved it!  I knew she would; she totally loves bath time.  I can't wait to take her again!

Henry and Leah
Hangin' in the Hippo
Swimming with Daddy
Daddy needs goggles!
Water Baby!
Sunday morning, Leah and Johnny played a little fetch.

The start of a best friendship?
After another family walk, we headed to the CNT membership picnic.  I was a BAD mom and forgot Leah's hat (don't worry, Bubbie, she was wearing sunscreen), but she donned her sunglasses most of the afternoon.

Big girl swing!
First sno-cone... she went after it later
 That afternoon, we had a play date with Presley (and Winnie).

Thanks for thinking I'm funny, Presley.  I guess my jokes don't work on Leah anymore!
Make-out session with Winnie
 And then...



  1. It's an unfortunate right of passage as a parent to clip your babies fingers or toes while clipping nails. I've done it to both ;(

  2. Ahhh can you post the pics of her and Henry on fb or insta??? obsessed.
