Hey, YOU!
Fill out my prop bet (you can find it
here). As of right now there is not a lot of competition, and I KNOW more of you read my blog than that (Thanks, by the way! I love finding out about my
loyal readers :~))
33 weeks and feeling good! Obi is the size of a pineapple, per my two weekly emails. I'm never sure if "size" means length or weight- I think it depends on the produce of choice. The consensus this week is that Obi is over 17 inches long and weighs over 4 pounds!
33 Weeks |
Sleep still eludes me and my feet always hurt (well it's not like they get any rest at night when I am waking up every hour to pee), but I'm much more mobile than I thought I would be. Obi rolls and spazzes all day long and I love it! Officially pre-registered at a hospital, have a pediatrician, have an infant care place picked out, and registered for childbirth classes. All those things being complete have taken a huge weight off my shoulders and helped to turn my mood right around.
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, so I'll update you after if anything notable is said.
Random Johnny pic- hoarding the remote |