Monday, November 23, 2015

Thankful for Saturns

Brian went to Utah this weekend and came home with a new car. Yup! After, I dunno, 7 or so years of hand-me-down Saturns (not complaining- THANKFUL!), a new car was quickly moving from the "want" list to the "need" list. A handful of friends happened to have bought cars in Utah, so we asked about it and it turns out they just shopped online for the best deal and that deal was in Utah. So Brian started shopping online and next thing we know, he has a one-way ticket to Salt Lake City.

Thank you former Saturn drivers for your Saturns on the cheap- we wouldn't have been able to make this purchase if it wasn't for your willingness to part ways with your Saturn. 

So, welcome to the family silver 2013 Ford Fusion with 32000 miles and electric(!) windows. Not sure who loves you the most. Afterall, Leah has proclaimed "I yike Daddy's car!" no fewer than 47 times the last two days. 

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