Monday, November 18, 2013


One of my (many) pet peeves is when people dress in all the same color. I realize it's possible that this can be a stylish thing, but it's not my thing. I even have a name for it- smurfs. 

Today, I dressed Leah as a grey smurf. It was just to stay in the car as we drove Brian to the airport (again), but still ugh! Then I checked the mirror and realized that I, too, am dressed as a grey smurf *today.

Leah's face pretty much explains my reaction too (or maybe she's about to spit up).

Don't worry, we already had a chat about how she will be cute whatever she wears, but I hope she inherited Aunt Sara's sense of style and not her mom or dad's. Based on her face, I think she agrees!

*Seeing as how poop on my clothes is the biggest reason I actually change my clothes each day, and seeing as how I often dress like a smurf when I sleep, it's possible I dress like a smurf most days. 

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