Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Sigh... Leah's sick for the first time. I think it's harder for me than for her- she's in good spirits and smiling, but my heart breaks for those sick eyes!

**If you don't like poop, don't read this**

A little over a week ago Leah's poop went green. Really green. Sometimes breastfed babies have green poop so I just kept an eye on it. Last Friday, the green poop turned watery and I started to get nervous. That, paired with a small arm rash, led the nurse at our mommy and me class to identify it as a possible allergy and recommended I cut dairy from my diet (only for you, Leah...).  Obviously it takes a while for the dairy to leave my system but when the diarrhea continued in full force on Saturday I called our pediatrician to see what I could do for her short-term. They, like me, were worried about dehydration so we headed to a pediatric urgent care in Phoenix where we were told "yes, she has diarrhea," but that she appeared fine.

Sunday, Leah woke up with some eye crusties and goop that just got worse and worse. Monday I called the pediatrician back to let them know the newest development (still with the diarrhea). So here we are, Tuesday morning, in the waiting room.

I'll keep you posted...

Ok so doc doesn't seem too worried. He said I could try pedialyte for a day, but I'm not sure I love that idea. I think I'll give her a few more days and just keep watching for signs of dehydration. Going to get some drops for her poor crusty, goopy eyes. I'm sure putting those is will be tons of fun (especially if she's anything like her daddy. Oy!)!

This just makes me so sad... I went back and forth about the decision to let Leah be passed around at her naming/open house. We decided it was ok; maybe that was the wrong choice. Some people I know washed or sanitized their hands before holding her, but I wasn't the one handing her out most of the day, so I don't know that everyone did.  I guess she was probably sick before that anyways. 

Kid doesn't live in a bubble, nor do I want her too. It's just sad being a mama right now!  Feel better soon, Sweet Girl!

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