Friday, September 13, 2013

36 Weeks

Time is such a weird thing... each week goes by so quickly (which I never expected being here in Las Vegas, especially given that I don't do too much during the day), but I feel like I've been pregnant forever.  October 9th could be here tomorrow, but I have four more weeks of my feet killing me?

I still haven't decided which side of the pregnancy camp I'm on: I definitely don't hate being pregnant, and I am often intrigued by the medical/scientific stuff as well as how it makes me feel emotionally.  I also can't say that I love it and can't wait to be pregnant again.  It's a really amazing thing, but the baby being here is going to be even better!

36 Weeks 1 Day

Still not nesting.  Still not motivated to do much of anything but lay on the couch, watch the TODAY Show, and read baby books (see exhibit 1).  Brian says that my drastic turnaround to being lazy and unmotivated will make it really easy to tell once I am nesting!

Exhibit 1

In other baby news, I went to the doctor yesterday and the baby's head is down (thanks Baby!).  Maybe more news next week, but I'm kinda hoping not yet.

We still have one more week of baby class.  I am really enjoying our Tuesday night Prepared Childbirth class (and especially the teacher).  Wednesday's Baby Basics class was less than spectacular, and we'll see how next week's Breastfeeding class goes.  It is nice to go to these with Brian because when the moment comes when we have to use what we learned, he'll be familiar with the information too.

Nursery is coming right along; there isn't too much we still need.  I still owe you pictures, I KNOW.  I just want it to be more done before I post anything!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love that you keep a blog. What books are you reading? Any recs? Any time you feel like having some company we can watch tv on one of our couches - shark tank is the show at my house though :-)
